Lent thoughts from Julia


Julia Portrait


How do we worship?

Each one of us may have a different focus. For some, music provides the fastest route to contemplation and prayer. Others find inspiration through powerful sermons, while some of us crave the gift of silence.

This Lent, we have been looking at the ways we worship at St Peter’s, by examining our music, words, space and presence. During the current situation, this has becoming more important than ever, as we seek ways of staying in touch with those who may not be attending church in the normal way.

Unusually, St Peter’s has had an unbroken pattern of worship for nearly 40 years. I was trained by my predecessor, who was vicar here for nearly 20 years. I am now in my 18th year. Such rare continuity is a gift to be treasured. But it is also important to examine it from time to time, for signs of wear and tear.

A series of sermons and conversations, led by the Worship Team, has explored the main ingredients of our Sunday worship (see dates below). We are looking for a remote way of completing our final date in this series.

St Peter’s lives within a particular Anglican tradition – Liberal Catholic – which provides rules of grammar in which to articulate a vision, and a wealth of historic treasures to take out of the cupboard.

One of these traditions, the Stations of the Cross, is a devotion or spiritual pilgrimage through Christ’s final hours. This will be our focus on four evenings in March (see dates below). Lent Cafe Conversations has set out to explore some of today’s ethical issues; migration, euthanasia and gender.  We covered the first topic – and have postponed the final two until later in the year. Our Lent experience is due to culminate in a beautiful reflection, Words and Music, on Sunday 5 April. We may have to seek another way of transmitting this to you – we’ll update you in due course.

How we worship God expresses how we live as people of faith. Let us pray for courage and wisdom as we journey through Lent, holding fast to all that we treasure. Please sign up to our E-News to receive regular updates at this time.

With blessings,

Rev’d Julia Porter-Pryce,
Vicar, St Peter De Beauvoir




Men’s Breakfast: Faith, Fellowship and Prayer
Saturday 15 February, 8.45 for a 9am breakfast, Crypt
A chance to gather together and share experiences at this welcoming breakfast for men, held in the crypt cafe and led by ordinand Matthew Bull.

Pancake Sunday

St Peter’s Pancake Party
Sunday 23 February, 11am, Crypt
Before Lent starts the following Wednesday, come and enjoy pancakes in the crypt after church.

Ash Wednesday

26 February, 7.30am
Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes, open to all. For those who cannot make this service, there is an evening service at 7.30pm at St Anne’s, Hoxton.

man holding Bible

Patterns of Worship
Sundays, 1, 8, 15 & 29 March, 11.30am-12.30pm
An exploration of what happens in worship, focusing on four ingredients of the Mass: music, words, space and presence. Our sermons at the 10am service beforehand will also focus on these themes. Our final date may be changed – check this page for updates.

Stations of the Cross
Wednesdays, 4, 11, 18, 25 March, 7pm
This traditional devotion is a meditation on the last hours of Christ. Follow in the footsteps of Jesus with ancient and modern prayer, as we journey to Holy Week and Easter. We are looking at new ways of doing this remotely, given the current pandemic.


Words and Music

Sunday 5 April, 5-6pm
A beautiful series of readings and recorded music in church to reflect on the meaning of Holy Week and Easter. We may have to seek another way of transmitting this to you – we’ll update this page in due course.


Stations of the Cross



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