Service sheet

Service Sheet 21 March 2021



Gospel Reading & Sermon

From Amanda Bart-Plange. Amanda is a member of the Pastoral Team and is one of the Parish Representatives who will be commissioned this Sunday.


John 12.24



Download text version:   Gospel Reading & Sermon 21 March ABP




From Esther Makinde




Let us pray


Almighty God, Father of all blessings we thank you for your continued mercies and protection over us and pray that these never cease but continue to keep us safe and well while we thank you Lord for the benefit of Covid 19 Jabs we are now enjoying.


Lord, meet us in the silence and hear our prayer.


Blessed God, bless all your clergies and bishops all over the world and let them continue to show us through their preachings and behaviours the right way to worship You. Bless our worship team here at St Peters as well as the volunteer clergies as they continue to keep our sunday worship going.


We pray at this time that you guide us as we are looking for a new vicar for our Church here at St Peters that you may choose the very best vicar for our Church.


Lord, meet us in the silence and hear our prayer.


God of all wisdoms, we pray and ask that you bless and guide all the world leaders and give them the right wisdom to rule their subjects in the humane and equal way that none will be left behind in finding the right and just treatment.


We pray that you give the world leaders the spirit of compromise to settle whatever disputes they have for a peaceful co-existence and international harmony. And for all those countries still fighting wars God give peace back into their countries.


Lord, meet us in the silence and hear our prayer.


Loving Father, bless our community and our youths and let us contieue to live amongst ourselves in peaceand harmony. We pray for our key workers, the NHS workers and all paramedics, teachers and school children, the sick and lonely as well as the unemployed.


Lord, meet us in the silence and hear our prayer.


We remember and pray for the recently departed and those who mourn them that You give their families the fortitude to bear their loss. We also pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time.


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord

And may they light perpetual shine upon them.


Bless us oh Lord as we start a new week and let us come back next week to give you thanks and praise.

Merciful Father, accept these Prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ.



Music to enjoy

From You Tube

Self-Isolation Choir


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