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Parish Eucharist
19th December 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Join us for the 10am weekly Parish Eucharist, with our new vicar Father Simon Cuff. A joyful celebration of Christ’s presence in our community. All welcome!
Download the Advent Service for the 5pm service here:
Order of Service
Home Worship Advent 4 19th December
From Father Simon Cuff
From Margaret Glover
As we gather our prayers this last Sunday in Advent, let us offer them to the Lord in the same spirit of wonder, humility and praise that Mary shows when God invites her into relationship with the divine.
Creator God, we bring before you our prayers for our earthly home. Guide us towards loving and sustainable stewardship of your abundance. Grant us the curiosity and wisdom to see ourselves in relationship of equality with all the other wonders of your creation.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
O, Lord our Governor, we offer you our prayers for the leaders of our communities and the nations of this world. We ask that you inspire them to walk the path of justice, humility and truth.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
Prince of Peace, we bring before you our families, friends and neighbours, near and far, who live in division and discord. We ask that you transform us all into instruments of your reconciliation and harmony.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
Healing Lord, we offer our prayers for those in need of your balm and solace. Strengthen the hands of those who care for the sick, give hope to those who wait for loved ones to be restored to health, and comfort those who grieve.
We pray especially for baby Elodie, her parents, Miriam and Blake, her maternal grandparents, Sue and Richard; for Brenda and Kate, now recuperating at home from hospital; Iris Bachmann and family.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
Good Shepherd, we bring before you the refugees and homeless, the vulnerable and lonely. Help us to fill the hungry in body, mind and soul with the good things you have given us in such abundance. Open our eyes to see you, Lord, in the face of neighbour and newcomer and to welcome them into our hearts and homes with your humility and hospitality.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
O, Lord our Redeemer, we offer you our own cares and confusions. Bless us with your loving grace and mercy.
Meet us in the silence, Lord,
And hear our prayer.
Spirit of resurrection, we pray for the souls of the recently departed – Ilse Bachmann – and remember those whose anniversaries come at this time – Denis Bailey, Hezekiah Martin, Samuel Baggley, Thomas Haley, Eileen Moore, Annie MacCarthy. In silence he hold in prayer those who have died alone and remember our own losses.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord
And may let perpetual shine upon them.
We join our prayers with Mary, the mother of our Lord, and Peter, our patron, and ask you, Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour, Jesus Christ.
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