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Parish Eucharist
1st May 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

A Sunday celebration of Christ’s presence in our community, with Noisy Church or crafts for children.
Mthr Sally Jones of St Mary Magdalen, Munster Square, celebrates Eucharist with us this Sunday.
The service will be followed by the launch of Fr Simon’s new book, Priesthood for all Believers: Clericalism and How to Avoid it. There will be a wine reception and panel discussion in the crypt.
Everyone is welcome!
Worship from Home
Download the worship booklet if you cannot attend church in person.
Services are also streamed on the St Peter’s You Tube channel.
This week’s sermon comes from David Shervington, Associate Publisher of SCM Press and LLM in the Guildford Diocese.
From Paul Snow
Let us pray together, giving thanks for God’s blessings and a wonderful Easter.
Let us pray for all who minister to us, giving thanks for their ministry and let us pray also for their families.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayer.
We pray for the leaders of all nations of the world and especially for the leaders and peoples of countries in conflict.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayer.
Let us give thanks for the work of volunteers at St Peter’s and in our neighbourhood.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayer.
Let us hold in our prayers the troubled or sick in body or mind. May faith in God calm their fears and give them hope.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayer.
We remember those who have died recently, especially Harry Bart-Plange.
Let us also remember those whose year’s mind falls at this time including
Albert Pritchard, Sister Monica Popper, Philip Edwards and Roland Hinds.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord … and may thy light perpetual shine upon them.
Let us pray for all who mourn the loss of those they love.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayer.
Let us pray that we may have the courage to do as Jesus calls us, in the words “Follow me”.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Ahead of our annual meeting we compile reports on various aspects of our parish life together as we worship, nurtur… https://t.co/4IUgLfcTmX