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Parish Eucharist: Fourth Sunday in Lent
27th March 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

A Sunday Eucharist, celebrating Christ’s presence in our community, followed by a short session at 11am on the practice of Silent Prayer.
Download our ‘What’s on’ for the month ahead here: Calendar-newsletter April 2022
Worship from Home
Download the worship booklet if you cannot attend church in person.
Services are also streamed on the St Peter’s You Tube channel.
From Amanda Bart-Plange
Sermon Amanda Bart-Plange March 27 2022
From Jay Wilkes
Dear Lord
We thank you for our community of St Peter’s and for the ministry of Fr Simon and Sarah. May they continue to guide and support us and enable us to grow stronger in our faith.
Lord hear us
In this time of turbulence and tragedy, we pray for those caught up in the overwhelming tragedy of Ukraine, and also for those in Russia who are unwillingly or unwittingly involved. We pray that political leaders will work together effectively to alleviate their suffering and begin to find some solutions.
Lord hear us
We pray too that those who are still suffering from persecution, military attacks or oppression in other countries are not forgotten. In particular those trying to flee from Afghanistan or who are here here and homeless, those refugees from Syria who are displaced or in refugee camps, and those suffering the devastation in Yemen.
Lord hear us
We pray for those here who are in poverty, particularly affected by energy and other price rises and reliant on food banks. May our political leaders understand their situation and respond accordingly and may our mayor and councillors in Hackney represent us wisely and with compassion.
Lord hear us
We pray that St Peter’s will grow stronger as a community, that we may increasingly support each other with shared goals, and that we may all see how we can play our part in developing St Peter’s and our wider community.
Lord hear us
We pray for those who have recently died and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: Millicent Small, John Brennan, Ellen Berry, Billy Taylor, Steadman Winter and Francis Haines. Grant them eternal rest O Lord and may thy light perpetual shine upon them.
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Ahead of our annual meeting we compile reports on various aspects of our parish life together as we worship, nurtur… https://t.co/4IUgLfcTmX