Words that move

In church this Lent we have been listening to each other’ s stories. In Sunday morning conversations, at home groups and during our workshops.

At a story-telling workshop, everyone was invited to pick up a word from a pile, and then place that word somewhere in church that felt significant for us.

At the altar rail, someone placed the word “We”. On a pew, I saw the word “Company”. On the votive candle stood the word “Humanity”. By the altar, the word “Authority”. By the church door, the word “Belonging”. And right at the back of the altar, the words “Love” and “Eternal”.

These words then prompted us to write short, hand-written stories about being at St Peter’s. The stories – just a few lines – were placed alongside the words. Here is a small sample:

“Being different is not easy. Being who I am and feeling a sense of belonging at St Peter’s sustains me & my daily life. To have grandchildren attending now is a blessing.”

“The church is your family, when all else perhaps fails you.”

“Sitting on my own here. Quiet time in church brings peaceful thoughts and calm in an otherwise frantic world.”

At the end of the workshop we were each invited to write a thank you card to St Peter’s. Some people chose to take their cards home with them. But others were willing to place them on a line behind the altar, as testimonies to all the love given and received in this place.

Please find time to be inspired by these stories of thanksgiving. There is a pile of blank cards in the corner of church for anyone who wishes to add their own story.

There is a mountain of love at St Peter De Beauvoir, and it touches and moves countless people every day.

As we prepare in to take part once again in the dramatic story of Holy Week and Easter, the story of the death and resurrection of Christ, let us be thankful for all those who have shared their stories with us, for the insights they have given us, and for our own stories as we live and learn from them.





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