TRINITY 4 July 5
Dear Friends,
The PCC is working on plans to gradually reopen St Peter’s in the coming weeks. The Church of England is advising churches to unlock gradually and in view of local circumstances.
Hackney has been one of the worst hit parts of the country and many church members are from BAME communities or/and vulnerable groups. The Diocese of London is advising Hackney to be very cautious.
Government guidance on coming out of lockdown may seem bewildering and it will be confusing to see churches in other places resume public worship.
The PCC has a dedicated team working through all the various sets of guidance and is also liaising with local churches and community network to see what is manageable. The Worship Team is considering how best to offer thanksgiving and praise together in church in restricted ways.
The church is now open for private prayer Wednesdays 9-11am & Sundays 3-5pm.
While we wait to resume live worship in church it would be helpful to find out how Home Worship has helped/not helped during lockdown and if there are elements it would be good to continue, alongside live worship. A short survey is being circulated by the Worship Team – please take a few minutes to reply.
We will hopefully be able to reopen the crypt for some community events and activities from September. For the time being only health professionals/services operating a one-to-one appointment system can be accommodated.
St Peter’s Community Partnership has remained active off-site during lockdown. Thanks to Jane King for gathering reports from user groups and projects. Look out for a three-week ‘community take-over’ in the mailing this month.
As we move away from lockdown, pease send a ‘postcard’ by email or post to share something of how you and your loved ones have been surviving during lockdown to make a St Peter’s Quarantine Scrapbookfor the parish archives. Thanks to those who have contributed already.
With blessings,
Rev’d Julia Porter-Pryce
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