Rogation Sunday, 2020

For Sunday 17 May, 2020
As England begins to tentatively ease lockdown restrictions this week, there is much confusion and anxiety about boundaries. The Church of England is currently asking clergy to start preparing for a gradual return to public worship over the coming weeks and months in collaboration with neighbouring churches. Home Worship is expected to continue for the foreseeable future – hopefully alongside some form of live worship in due course, when further guidance permits.
On this Rogation Sunday churches all over England have traditionally ‘beaten the bounds’ of the parish. The boundaries of St Peter, De Beauvoir Town are remarkably clear, almost a perfect rectangle: Regent’s Canal- Kingsland Road – Balls Pond Road – Southgate Road.
Rogation comes from the Latin word for to ask. At Rogationtide the whole village processed around the parish boundaries, asking God to bless the land, homes and industries. Gospel stories were read at certain trees – hence place names like Gospel Oak and Amen Corner. Willow sticks decorated with flowers were carried and important boundary markers hit with them. Young children were turned upside down to have their heads bumped three times at significant points along the way to imprint the location on their minds.
In De Beauvoir Town today we are unable to process together to pray for God’s blessing on our homes and industries (and we have different methods of teaching young children), but we can make a prayer walk alone or with another household/family member. This week you will find a visual prayer walk around the parish of De Beauvoir Town to help you mark the journey – on foot or at home – and to ask for God’s blessing on all the creativity in this place.
At this Rogationtide, as we listen to the first disciples waiting for the Spirit of God to inspire and motivate them to change the world, let us pray for insight and imagination to take steps in our own lives, as individuals and as a faith community, to work for the well-being of all who live, work and pass through this parish.
With blessings on all that you offer,
Rev’d Julia Porter-Pryce
Click for Home Worship May 17 2020.