A Service of the Word, every Sunday

ST PETER’S RE-OPENS for A Service of the Word from Sunday 2 August
Dear Friends,
We cannot sing, but we will not be without music. The order of service will be different from the service we are used to, but not entirely unfamiliar.
The Worship Team has decided, after very careful consideration, to offer A Service of the Word – for the time being – as a safer, more flexible and inclusive form of worship than the usual Holy Communion. We will gather again at the Lord’s Supper when every member of the church is able to do so.
When entering and exiting and once inside the building, social distance will be observed. The Church of England is strongly advising everyone to wear a mask for worship. Hand sanitiser and disposable masks will be available at the entrance if needed. A take-away service sheet will be provided in place of service books. There will be no refreshments after the service, but everyone is encouraged to greet friends outside in the garden.
The church building is spacious and airy enough to accommodate the usual Sunday congregation with social distancing (the upstairs gallery can be opened if needed) and hopefully everyone will feel able to participate in person when ready to do so.
It is hoped that Home Worship will be offered in a new format from September, alongside ‘live’ worship. Home Worship has enriched the ways we worship in so many ways, through poetry, art and music, audio and video prayers. St Peter’s has been connecting weekly with many more people than can be reached by Sunday worship in church, both around the neighbourhood community and across the globe, from rural France to the edges of the Amazon forests in Peru.
Being able to regularly offer Sunday worship to the housebound, Sunday workers, families with sports commitments and anyone who simply needs a rest, will continue for a long time to come.
Huge thanks to the Worship Team and Covid-19 Team for the time spent preparing for our ‘grand reopening’ and to Sarah Dallas and Vivette Ferguson for producing Home Worship for the past 20 weeks.
As we venture out in this fast-moving new world, let us open our hearts to the beauty of creation and the truth of God’s love.
With my love,
As ever,