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Parish Eucharist
24th April 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

A Sunday celebration of Christ’s presence in our community, with Noisy Church or crafts for children.
Revd Shana Maloney of St John of Jerusalem will celebrate Parish Eucharist.
Fr Simon returns next week.
The readings for Sunday are:
Acts 5.27-32, Psalm 150, Revelation 1.4-8, John 20.19-31
Worship from Home
Download the worship booklet if you cannot attend church in person.
Services are also streamed on the St Peter’s You Tube channel.
To be published
From Peter Day
Let us all join together in prayer.
We pray for the people of Ukraine, as we urgently pray for peace and an end to wars and oppression across the whole world. In China, in India, in Russia, in Myanmar, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Syria, in Palestine, in Afghanistan and in many other places that we know so little about.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We ask for God’s protection for hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants on the move across countries and continents. We ask for God’s help for those seeking to care for them in all parts of the world, here in London, and here in De Beauvoir.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We pray for wise and compassionate government, and that it may be carried out by leaders with a moral compass and purpose.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
On the Sunday after Easter when we traditionally remember Thomas, the Apostle who doubted Christ’s resurrection, we pray that our own faith may be strengthened by our worship and prayers.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We pray for those who are ill, and those who are fearful of illness. We pray for those caught up in natural and unnatural disasters: in storms, in flooding, in hunger, in forest fires. And for those here at home facing huge increases in the cost of living.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We ask for God’s help for those who have no work, for those for whom the future is uncertain, and those who have far too much work to do. We pray for the isolated, the lonely, and the anxious. May they also be comforted and given hope.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We give thanks for all those who love their neighbours: in particular for those who care for the sick, and the many who provide the services our society relies upon.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We pray for those who are deeply worried about people they love.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
We pray for those who have recently died and for those who grieve for them. And also for those whose anniversaries we remember, including Adelaide England and Owen Humphries. Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord.
And may your light perpetual shine upon them.
We give thanks for St Peter’s. We pray for God’s blessing on Simon, on Sarah, and their families. And we ask God to bless all who are here in person or online, who make music and support our Church. We look forward to the time when worship can return to normal.
Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.
Oh Lord, we know that every day in this parish, hundreds of prayers are offered to you by many people inside and outside this Church, like arrows shot to heaven. They echo our thoughts and fears, our joys and our sorrows. They continue our Eastertide worship into our everyday lives. Oh Lord in your mercy hear our prayers now, and listen for those we will utter up in the coming weeks and years.
Merciful God, accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Lord Jesus Christ, Am
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Ahead of our annual meeting we compile reports on various aspects of our parish life together as we worship, nurtur… https://t.co/4IUgLfcTmX